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PrincetonTec Photoshop Fail

Saw this on the Princeton Tec website today. Looks like somebody used a little too much magic wand.

UPDATED: The guys at Princeton Tec not only make great products, but their marketing dept. is quick, too. The image flaw has been corrected.


1 Gerard { 09.02.10 at 11:21 am }

Thanks for the heads up. Are you in the market for an EOS Headlamp?

2 Brett { 09.07.10 at 8:37 am }

Hey Gerard- No problem 🙂 Yes, I’m still in the market, the EOS looks like a great light.

3 Gerard { 09.08.10 at 12:38 pm }

It is indeed. Shoot me an email when you get a chance.