Moving On
Just a quick note in what I hope will be my last political post for a good long time.
Congratulations to Barack Obama on becoming the next president of the USA. Good luck. You’ll need it when you take over what has to be the worst job in the country.
Congratulations to John McCain for being an incredibly gracious loser. If you would have spoken during the campaign with the heart you did in your concession speech, you may have fared better in the final election results.
I didn’t vote for either of you, but am glad we can finally put campaigning behind us and work on the things that really matter to our country. The wonder of it all is that in January, the Executive power will pass peacefully from one man to the next, and the country will continue to move (hopefully forward).
Congrats to Karen Mayne, Dan Liljenquist, and the Hogle Zoo.
Congrats to Superdell who somehow convinced over 22,000 people that having a complete loon in the governor’s office would be a good thing for anybody.
Shame on the crackpots who voted to re-elect Chris Buttars.
And finally, as has been said in every livingroom in America tonight, God bless America.