The Other Race
I just wanted to make sure all you Utah voters out there were aware that the Presidential Race isn’t the only race you’ll be voting in on November 4th.
And, Since SuperDell is still the top keyword used to find my blog, I figured I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least post his blurb from the Utah Voter Information Pamphlet (the image is from his website):
Yes, that graphic actually says: “All of the Other Candidates Suck!”
“SUPERDELL is your only choice because YOU didn’t file. Huntsman took away your freedoms and raised taxes more than any governor in the history of Utah. Springmeyer has admitted that he doesn’t care about the constitution. The definition of the word insane is voting for the same people while expecting change.
“There is no question that Dell Schanze is different. There are only 3 people on the ballot and SUPERDELL is the only one that is NOT socialist. If you are unsure then fill your heart with love, completely open your mind and pray to God earnestly. You can’t afford to get this wrong and will be held accountable for your choice.”
I have no idea what most of that meant, but seriously—if you’re bored and need someone to entertain you, Superdell as governor would be 4 full years of entertainment.
Yes, there is no question that Dell Schanze is different. And if that’s one of his campaign promises, it’s one I’m sure he’ll keep if he ever makes it into the Governor’s Mansion.
Also on the ballot: John Huntsman, Jr. (R) and Bob Springmeyer (D).
PS- Before you vote for president, please read this.
PSS- If anybody uses that Einstein quote about insanity—including Chuck Baldwin, I’m seriously going to go insane.