A Long Overdue Thank You
In a few days, I’ll come back to that whole favorite artist thing I started a couple of weeks back. Getting out the scanner is proving to be more of a pain than I’d anticipated. So in the meantime…
I remember…oh…twenty or so years ago when I lived in Pleasant Grove the first time, my parents talking about how the city was home the worst roads in the country. Mom, Dad- they haven’t changed much over the past two decades.
Morning after morning, Whittney and I pass the same sight on our way to work. This week, I wrote a letter to the city as follows:
Dear City of Pleasant Grove,
I’m writing to thank you for the commendable addition to our city’s enlightenment and aestheticism at the intersection of State and 2000 West.
At first, I ignorantly assumed the orange barrels, cement barriers, and motionless tractor in the middle of the left-turn lane were simply the usual road construction gimmicks we see so often throughout our Great State.
Then, after 5 punishing weeks of inactivity at the site, I realized it wasn’t actual construction—but rather a fitting addition to, and reflection of, our storied Utah County culture.
A standing tribute, a timeless monument, testament to the ever stationary nature of our progress—and tireless, yet unaltered state of the endless road construction we offer to friend, foe, and all who this way pass.
And so, in light of this important realization, I apologize for my belated action and offer my sincerest thanks for this beautiful work of art that promises a glimpse into our dusty past, present, and future for the untold generations that will follow.
Please use the enclosed $5 in your efforts to preserve this important token of who we are as a people and as a community.
Yours Truly,
Special thanks to WhittneyLynn, Editor.
1 comment
Ha! That is awesome.