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The 2007 Simplified Recap

Welcome to the new year. After recovering from a “Top Ten _______ of 2007 List” overload, i decided I’d simplify things by creating just one Top 10 and one Bottom 10 for all of everything last year.

Top 10 (no particular order)
1- Being married to an awesome chick
2- Ohio
3- Bermuda
4- Steak
5- Royal Caribbean
6- Move Networks
7- Guitar Hero
8- Some snow, finally
9- Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
10- …still trying to decide if any good music came out…

Honorable Mention: This piece of viral advertising by Quicksilver: http://tinyurl/366pjd

Bottom 10 (also in no particular order)
1- Jamaica
2- Provo
3- The word “pundit”
2- The pipe-dream of bipartisanship
3- Dudes driving cars into my parked trailer
4- Tattle-telling the landlord
5- Paragon Press
6- R&B
7- Putting the “free” in freelance
8- Fruit
9- The amount people think they can get for a dumpy house on a dumpy lot
10- Uninsured drivers

Honorable Mention: People who walk around wearing a bluetooth headset.


1 pmayne { 01.02.08 at 3:16 am }


2 elopingcamel { 01.03.08 at 2:08 pm }

Plenty of good music came out. Consider this an official “FYI.”

3 Brett Crockett { 01.03.08 at 3:27 pm }

You’re right- Twenty Mule Team came out with a great new album. What else do you recommend?

4 Jacob Crockett { 01.04.08 at 3:01 pm }

I recommend reading

He knows his music and has a pretty good list there

5 NWLB { 01.06.08 at 4:18 pm }

If your a Royal Caribbean fan, drop by my blog!

Rock on!


6 brooke newbold { 02.12.08 at 1:49 pm }

I want to know why playing Wi with Brooke and Jake isn’t in your top 10? And I want to hear about tattle telling landlord, preferably in person when we hang out soon.