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Firesafe but Secure?

After a couple of kitchen mishaps (but only minor smoke damage), I realized the fire alarms didn’t seem to be working. I still haven’t given them the good old manual test but I figure if real smoke doesn’t trigger them, there’s not a good chance that I’ll have time to manually set them off during an actual fire anyway. I did decide it was time for a little added security, though.

So a couple of days ago the Mrs. and I bought a safe to store our valuable collection of Garbage Pail Kids.

The safe has been great so far, but then again, we haven’t had many people try to break into it. The other good news is there have been no additional fires in the house (at least that I’m aware of).

But—I did notice a disconcerting image on the box the safe came in (see above). It seems that while the safe will do a good job standing up to fire, it has a tough time standing up to a fireman with a walkie-talkie. Apparently firefighters have no problem taking a break from battling the fire currently consuming your house (and pets) to crack open your safe and take a look inside. I know they say it’s a “Dramatization”, but…doesn’t seem like good marketing to me. I’d put a picture of the safe with a dead burglar next to it. And his eyebrows would be on fire or something.

Sentry must be a pretty funny company to work for though. If you took time to click the link to the product page for the safe, make sure you check out the product picture. Apparently this particular model is also good for storing those small golden boots you’ve been saving for retirement.


1 Adam and Tiffany { 01.08.08 at 10:32 pm }

Dear Brett:

Do you keep guns in your safe? Because I heard that safes are good for keeping guns safe.

2 Scott Brown { 01.09.08 at 5:00 pm }

Why don’t they build houses out of the same stuff that they use to make the safe? Then the whole house would be safe from bandits and fires.

3 Brett Crockett { 01.10.08 at 12:40 am }

Dear Adam:

Good to hear from you! I do not currently keep guns in my safe, but that’s one of the big reasons I got it. Whittney’s ok with me having a gun as long as I have a safe to keep it in when I’m not shooting crooks and druggies.

Scott- they actually did make some houses like that during the Cold War. Remember Blast From The Past (1999 starring Brandon Fraser and Alicia Silverstone)? It was a romantic comedy about the son of an eccentric inventor who locks his family in an underground shelter following a bomb scare in the 1960’s. Hilarity ensues when Adam Weber (Fraser) emerges from the shelter to look for a suitable mate (Silverstone) with whom to repopulate the earth.

What were we talking about again?

4 Scott Brown { 01.10.08 at 1:49 pm }

Sounds romantic. The only thing that I think would have made it more romantic is if Brendan Fraser had been a part human part robot fireman and Alicia Silverstone had been an enchanted princess and the story had been set in the year 2500 and they were both made out of safe material so that their bodies were safe from poisonous darts and harpoons, but the problem is that it kept them from being able to see what each other looked like but they still fell in love because they were the only people left on earth and the werewolves were coming to eat them. The original version sounds good though.

5 Uncle Gary { 01.16.08 at 5:42 pm }

That’s my second favorite movie!