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Cleaning House

I decided to make today a day for cleaning house. I planned on posting all the “draft” posts I’ve been saving up without publishing. But as I read over them- stuff about music in advertising (“Mad World” in the Gears of War trailer), the question of using corporate parentage to brand a product(Toyota positioning itself as built in America vs. Chrysler adopting Dr. Z as their German spokesman), and the Nintendo Wii being my first gaming system since the original NES…I decided a better way of cleaning house would be just to delete them. Done.

Since my last update, I started work at Move Networks. It’s quite a bit different from the “agency life,” but a good kind of different. It’s a great company in one of the coolest industries out there. And, other than the pinball humiliation, it’s been awesome working with pmayne again. Some big shoes to fill. Anyway, in a few weeks, I’ll probably throw up some of the designs I’ve been working on for t-shirts and the website redesign. Some pretty cool projects.


1 Paul { 05.25.07 at 7:29 pm }

maybe the reason you are being humiliated at foosball is you think it’s pinball.

just a thought. 😉

2 Matt { 05.29.07 at 11:59 am }

lol. Is that why i’m not very good at the world wide interweb?

3 Brett Crockett { 05.29.07 at 2:18 pm }

ok, good point. i knew it couldn’t just be my complete lack of skill.

4 Jared { 06.16.07 at 4:34 am }

Congrats on the new career move. I look forward to seeing the projects you are working on.