Just a quick note about a little business I’m a fan of*. One of my new favorite hobbies is checking out lesser-known sodas. I’ve mentioned a few times and some have asked what it’s all about, so here’s a quick rundown.
The site offers a huge variety of specialty sodas that you won’t find at your local grocery store. Drinks like birch beer, ginger beer (for people who are either crazy or Bermudian and like that sort of thing), various creme sodas (including blue, vanilla, orange, etc.), some great grape sodas, and of course root beer. The shipping is very fast (mine only took two days)—and there’s nothing like a big box of liquid refreshment sitting on your porch when you get home after a long day at work.
Due to the fact that they sell specialty drinks, and that the safe shipping of liquids in glass bottles is a long ways from “media mail,” the sodas are a bit more expensive than what you’d find in the grocery store—but about the same as you’d pay at a vending machine. And it’s worth mentioning that SodaSamurai has the best prices you’ll find anywhere online.
So for the summer BBQ, friendly gathering, or other special event—it’s well worth it to stock up on some of the good stuff.
*In the interest of full disclosure: The owner of SodaSamurai is a friend of mine and I helped him with some of the site design. But even if I hated the guy, I gotta say he carries some awesome drinks. I recommend checking out the RootBeer Sampler. Just be sure to watch out for that dreaded root beer belly.